Thursday, July 26, 2012

WEATHER WRATH = Wealthy Womanhood's Witty Wisdom Worthy of Worship + Love Goddess Mother Earth Nature x SUNGODD DEITY Atom Amen-Ra Z-Blac-Keyz Z-BLACKRAYZ via Avenger Avatar AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD as Arthiest Actionary via COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts

"Info Wars"  = YES: Satanic Superstorm Sandy punished “White” middle-upper class high income people more, and not low-income people. Equal fact of reality. The least always has less to loose! Pure political propaganda. Crazy cowardice Caucasian Caucasoid criminal creatures columnist concocted news reporting!
Anglo-Americans living in New York and New Jersey, especially those living in expensive homes, on the beaches, shorelines, seaside, got hid hardest. This total told truth reveals, in particular, Eu-Rope-an housing renters-owners; who are now still waiting on State & Federal Government handouts, welfare assistance are suffering. Life goes on as usual for inner-city “minorities” people of coloration complexions; as Africans in America, Africoidians, AmeriAfrindians, Latinos, Mexican Americans!

We’s & Us’s know all about how undercover racist “Whites” try to use catch - coded words, like “Lower Income”; subliminally suggesting non-whites! They’re eating their hearts out due to Mother Nature’s wrathful weather whipping WhitTie wicked witchcrafts! Kicking butts!

“Superstorm Sandy battered the poor hardest, studies show.“ What “studies”? Who did the research other than racist devils and demons? Just because people ask for assistance, and live in lesser income areas, has nothing; necessarily, to do with Hurricane-Superstorm Sandy! Basically because, they had been hit hardest by racial discrimination in the first place!
Nobody can truly trust what bogus bureaucracies, Sociopath Supremacists says, in their Satanist statistics! So learn to give the public some real reports, how everybody, living in the targeted areas where hit equably = lower-middle-upper class citizens_ period. Posted today, Wednesday, March 6, 2013...6:01pm San Antonio, Texas.
News: ......
YES: Weather Wrath by Avatar Avenger Africoidian-AmeriAfrindian ArtistCHD. Y'all may hear my mastermind melanin messiah mental models, methods, mouth mechanisms, modes and music metaphysical mediums. For financial free, so pay close attention and listen-UP!
1. WeatherWrath_p1-s1a_m (12:17) mp3

2. WeatherWrath_p1-s2b_m (12:14) mp3

3. WeatherWrath_p1-s3c_m (12:10) mp3

4. WeatherWrath_p1-s4d_m (13:59) mp3

5. WeatherWrath_p1_s5e_m mp3

“Drought afflicts 86 percent of the Midwest, crops wilt_ Reuters) - The most extensive drought in five decades intensified this week across the Midwest and Plains states that produce most of the country's corn, soybeans and livestock, a report from climate experts showed on Thursday. And the drought is worsening in the South, which was just recovering from last year's drought - the worst Texas had seen in a century. Almost 30 percent of the nine-state Midwest was suffering extreme drought, nearly triple from the previous week, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor for the week ending July 24.” Documented today, Thursday, July 26, 2012...5:48 pm San Antonio, Texas time via CK-NWCA.

SPIRITICS vs Politics!! By ArtistCHD. YES, hear My mastermind melanin messiah mental modes, full fledged for financial y'all pay close attention to Africarambees, and listen UP!!!

1. Spiritics_p1-s1a_m (13:59) mp3
2. Spiritics_p1-s2b_m (13:11) mp3
3. Spiritics_p1-s3c_m (12:58) mp3
4. Spiritics_p1-s4d_m (12:22) mp3

5. Spiritics_p1-s5e_m (12:33) mp3
Holistory Heritage Health Hotep + Heroes Help Heal Hue-Mainity + Happy Hue-more Mastermind Melanin Messiah Mental Model Mandates! HueMainKind+Right+Law pt1 ….